Final update - Internship at Kartverket

The Final Update
After almost four exciting months of internship at Kartverket, the end of the autumn semester is approaching. If you've read some of these internship blog posts before, it won't come as a shock that the internship period at the Kartverket has been characterized by opportunities, competence development, and a good working environment.
If this is the first time you're reading about the internship, it can be summarized as follows:
During the internship at Kartverket, we have had a highly educational experience. We have had the opportunity to work on exciting projects that have given us deeper insights into geomatics and Python programming. Our focus has been on developing systems that generate developer-friendly map data, and we have worked on specific tasks such as processing aerial photos, LiDAR data, and converting GML-files to GEOjson and FGB-format.
Through the developed system, "DX_Puzzler," we have managed to handle and process segmented files into developer-friendly datasets that can be further developed and potentially used in the KartAi project. We have also had the pleasure of participating in various events such as GeoForum and the FOSS4G conference, where we have been able to share our work and learn from other players in the field.
Our stay at Kartverket has been characterized by a pleasant and inclusive work environment, which has positively contributed to our work process. Through collaboration in the internship group, we have made steady progress and had the pleasure of working together on exciting tasks. We look forward to the final weeks of the internship period and are excited about what more we can learn and achieve.
Figure 1: Katrine during our presentation at FOSS4G in Trondheim
Our individual reflections on the internship:
Dung Katrine My Huynh:
"From Kartverket, I have learned a lot about the geomatics field, as well as learned new terminology within map data. Through my work with Kartverket, I learned to be the link between the geomatics sector and the IT sector. I found it challenging to ask IT-related questions to the customer due to limited knowledge of development, and it took time for me to understand geomatics. The work with Kartverket set expectations for future companies in terms of professional and social aspects. Now, I want to work for a company where I can develop myself and learn from, as well as contribute to a positive work environment. The collaboration with Kartverket was incredibly rewarding and contributed greatly to networking."
Eirik S. Bjørdal:
"My internship at Kartverket has been incredibly educational. I have gained insight into a field that is not very popular but very broad and relevant! They have also given me a good insight into what a very well-functioning work environment looks like. And what it's like to develop a product for a large company. They have also given me the opportunity to get my name out in the IT industry and have created many good contacts during my internship. Personally, I especially liked how good they were at involving us in things, like FOSS4G. All in all, my internship at Kartverket has been very instructive."
Ivar Michael Tangeraas:
"At Kartverket this autumn, I had the opportunity to further develop my skills in project management and backend development. Without any previous knowledge or experience in the geomatics field, it was just a matter of diving in headfirst and approaching the necessary knowledge to produce the best possible result. My initial thought was that the internship should be equally beneficial for me and my group as it should be for Kartverket as a partner. This is a goal I feel we achieved together with flying colors!
Throughout the autumn semester, I acquired significant expertise in geomatics, Python, and FastAPI, as well as further developed my skills in project management. The opportunity to connect with professionals and stakeholders through Praksisexpo meetings, GeoForum Sørlandet, and especially the FOSS4G conference (where we also had the pleasure of giving a presentation!), has been invaluable. This has opened doors and provided me with valuable insights that will strengthen my future career in the IT industry. I am deeply grateful for the excellent collaboration and the fantastic opportunity we had as internship students this autumn."
The Final Words
Overall, the internship at Kartverket has been an enriching and rewarding experience that has contributed to our professional and personal development.
We would like to express a personal thank you to Maria Ellingsen, Lars Fredrik Gyland, and the fantastic people at the Kartverket Kristiansand. Your warm welcome, professional contributions, and dedicated guidance have been invaluable to us during the internship period. Your openness and knowledge-sharing have created an inspiring learning atmosphere that has made a significant difference in our professional development.
We look back on this period with great gratitude and look forward to taking the valuable experiences we have gained with us in our careers.
Thank you so much for everything!